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NRG  Chapters

The Nautical Research Guild is proud to support local modeling clubs.  NRG Chapters are clubs which have become official chapters of our organization.

Below you'll find information on becoming a  chapter as well as the benefits.

Current NRG  Chapters

Atlanta Model Shipwrights

Atlanta, Georgia

Nautical Research & Model Ship Society


Midwest Model Shipwrights

Mount Prospect, Illinois

North Shore Deadeyes

Northbrook, Illinois

Ship Modelers Association 

Cerritos, California

Hampton Roads Ship Model Society

Hampton, Virginia

Philadelphia Ship Model Society

Pennysylvania, Philadelphia

Merrimack Valley Ship Model Club
Newburyport, Massachusetts 

Model Shipwrights of Niagara
Niagara-on-the-Lake, Ontario, Canada

Becoming an NRG Chapter

To become a  NRG Chapter, you must complete an application.  Contact the NRG office to request the application.


    • Your club must have 5 or more registered NRG members.
    • You must complete the application.  Applications must include an approved chapter name.  (Approval is required to avoid duplication, and approval will not be unreasonably withheld.)
    • An annual fee of $30 will be collected.
Chapters are subject to rules as described in the NRG Bylaws.  These include:
    • Application is not a guarantee of acceptance.
    • Chapter charters must be renewed annually, and the charter chapter fee must be paid annually.  Failure to renew within 60 days of your anniversary date will result in revocation of the charter.
    • No group may function as an NRG Chapter without a charter.
    • Chapters and their members, including the chapter's non-NRG members, shall not engage in any behavior which could be counter to the interests of the NRG.  Failure to conform may result in revocation of the charter by the NRG.
    • Chapters must adhere to the NRG's policies on copyrights and intellectual property.

Benefits of NRG Chapters

Featured Placement

Chartered clubs are spotlighted on this page, increasing visibility for your club.  Plus, your chartered club will be highlighted in our Modeling Club Directory, helping modelers easily find your club and identify your group as an NRG Charter.

NRG Chapter Logo

As a chapter, your club will be able to use the NRG's Chapter logo (seen above) on your club's website and newsletter.

Liability Insurance

The NRG is pleased to offer Chapter Clubs optional liability insurance to cover club activities for the protection of the club and its members arising from injuries to people or property.

The NRG has liability insurance coverage that allows us to offer NRG Chapter Clubs liability insurance for $100 per year   Complete coverage details and applications can be obtained by contacting the NRG office.  The covered Chapter Clubs will receive a certificate of insurance upon payment.  Meeting sites can be named as additional insured for no extra charge – a requirement of many meeting sites.

In order to obtain the insurance, the club must first be an NRG Chapter.  An insurance application is to be filled out with club information that must include name, address, phone and email contact information for both a primary and secondary club contact.  Contact the NRG office for details and application.

The NRG is required by law to not charge any additional fee for the insurance and must pass through all insurance payments from the Chapter Clubs to the insurance company.

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